about us

About Us
We provide the poverty-stricken, underprivileged and deficient medicines that they need and require to treat their loved ones or themselves. We provide them medicines at the lowest of rate and highest of quality possible. We deliver medicines that enable the patient to live longer, productive and healthier life. Medicines are an integral part of the health care system and we aim and work to make it a bit better.

We are currently operating in more than 7 states in India like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttrakhand etc. Facilitating the people of country with the medicines that are tried, tested and proven to cure the diseases, we aim to spread across the country and serve one and all.
Our team has the highly qualified medical representatives, logistic personnel, quality controller and marketing heads. With a common aim of gaining maximum client satisfaction and curing maximum number of people, all the members of the team coordinate and contribute their bit to the company. We have a team that is passionate for the best and hence never compromise with the purity and effectiveness of a medicine.
The most important and non-compromising factor of our company is providing the untampered and quality medicine. We, at Zaiva, holds and know the weight of the responsibility of work that we do.